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NDMAKE version 4.3
Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 D. G. Kneller
All rights reserved.
Table of contents
Make description files..........................................3
Dependency and command lines....................................3
Default rules...................................................7
"dot targets" .IGNORE, .PRECIOUS, .SILENT, .SUFFIXES............8
Command prefixes -, @, !, >, >>.................................8
The loop prefix `!'.........................................9
Output to files `>' and `>>'................................9
DOS commands, batch files, redirection and error codes.........13
Response files -- special handling of LINK and LIB.............14
1) LINK response files.....................................14
2) LIB response files......................................14
UNIX features..................................................15
Additional notes and technical information.....................16
Sample session.................................................17
Use of flags -t, -i, -n, -d, and -p............................19
Using MAKE without a makefile..................................20
Changes since version 3.0......................................21
Changes since version 4.0......................................21
Future directions for NDMAKE...................................22
Registration form for NDMAKE...................................24
NDMAKE v4.3 page 2
NDMAKE is an implementation of the UNIX(tm) program maintenance
utility called `make'. It has the same syntax and all of the
capability. If you are familiar with UNIX `make' you should have no
difficulties with NDMAKE. Please note that NDMAKE is user supported
software. Some advanced features have been disabled in the demo
version of NDMAKE. Details for registering your copy are at the end
of this documentation. In the rest of this documentation, NDMAKE will
often be referred to simply as MAKE.
MAKE is a utility that helps you maintain programs, particularly
programs that are composed of several modules (files). MAKE has
several features that make it very useful for software development:
1) Once you describe the relationships between modules, MAKE will keep
track of them and only `make' those that are out of date with respect
to their sources. You don't waste time figuring out which files
you've changed, which have to be recompiled, how to link them, ...
2) Automatic response files for LINK and LIB. Under MSDOS(tm),
commands must be shorter than the command line limit of 128
characters. Since LINK is used often when doing modular programming,
MAKE knows about it specially and will automatically generate a
response file if the LINK command is longer than the limit. MAKE will
do a similar thing with LIB. See the section entitled "Response
files" for details.
3) Detection of errors when running internal DOS commands. Previous
versions of NDMAKE couldn't detect errors when DOS commands were run
or when IO redirection occurred because COMMAND.COM doesn't return a
proper error code (for DOS < 3.0).
4) VPATH. Often when doing program development you want to create
several slightly different versions of a program, but keep a common
set of sources. For example, you may have to create machine specific
or memory model specific modules. Using the VPATH feature of MAKE it
is possible to have sources in directories different from the current
directory and have MAKE find them. Actually, VPATH is more powerful
(and complex) then that, so please see the VPATH section for details.
MAKE requires at least DOS 2.0 and uses a minimum of about 42000 bytes
of memory. Since MAKE executes other programs from within itself,
this memory will be unavailable to them while MAKE is running. Also,
MAKE uses the file time to determine which files are newer than others
so it is imperative that you either have a real-time clock or are
diligent about setting the time and date when you boot up.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 3
make [ -f makefile ] [ options ] [ macros ] [ targets ]
The [ ] delimit optional parameters. [ options ] and [ macros ] will
be discussed later.
MAKE executes commands in a MAKE description file to update one or
more targets. The targets are typically the names of programs. If no
-f option is present, the MAKE description file called `MAKEFILE' is
tried. If makefile is `-', the keyboard (standard input) is used as
the makefile. More than one -f option may appear.
Make updates a target if it is older than the files it depends on, or
if the target does not exist. If no targets are given on the command
line, the first target in the makefile is `made'.
MAKE description files
MAKE uses 2 description files: MAKE.INI and makefile. The
description files consist of several entries:
1) dependency and command lines
2) macro definitions
3) default rules
4) "dot commands"
When MAKE starts up, it looks for an initialization file called
MAKE.INI. This file usually contains only default rules and macro
definitions that you don't want to put in every makefile. The current
directory is searched first, followed by directories along the PATH.
You customize your copy of MAKE by changing MAKE.INI.
1) Dependency and command lines
These are lines that specify the relationship between targets and
prerequisites, and how to update the targets. The general form is:
target [ target ... ] : [ prerequisites ]
[ <tab>command ]
where <tab> is the tab character.
The first line of an entry is a blank-separated list of targets, then
a colon, then a list of prerequisite files. All following lines that
begin with a tab are commands to be executed to update the target. A
NDMAKE v4.3 page 4
target with no prerequisites is considered up to date if it exists and
out of date if it doesn't exist. When you do the `make' without any
arguments, the first target in makefile gets made. A dummy target (a
file that never exists so is always out of date) is often used as the
first target when you wish to make several targets.
Consider this makefile:
all : target1.exe target2.exe
target1.exe : ....
target2.exe : ....
Executing `make' with no arguments results in both target1.exe and
target2.exe being made. This happens because MAKE always ensures all
prerequisites are up to date before it makes a target. Here, the
target ALL has two prerequisite files - TARGET1.EXE and TARGET2.EXE.
First TARGET1.EXE then TARGET2.EXE get made, then MAKE checks if
either of these files are more current than ALL. Since ALL doesn't
exist, both are newer than it, and the commands to update ALL will be
executed. There are no commands for this example.
As an further example, assume you have a program TEST.EXE that is
composed of modules MAIN.OBJ and SUB.OBJ. Each of these depend on a
common include file, INCL.H, and on their respective `.c' files. The
makefile might look like:
test.exe : main.obj sub.obj
link main.obj sub.obj, test;
main.obj : main.c incl.h
msc -AL main.c;
sub.obj : sub.c incl.h
msc -AL sub.c;
A target may appear on the left of more than one `colon' line, and it
will depend on all of the names on the right of the colon on those
lines, but only one command sequence may be specified for it. An
example a little further down will show this.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 5
2) Macros
Makefile entries of the form:
name = [value]
are macro definitions. Macros allow the association of a name and a
value. Subsequent appearances of $(name) or ${name} are replaced by
value. If name is a single character, the parentheses or braces are
optional. Spaces between name and =, and between = and value are
ignored. If value is not given, the macro value is a null string.
MAKE warns you if you use a macro that hasn't been defined.
The previous example could have had:
OBJS = main.obj sub.obj
test.exe : $(OBJS)
link $(OBJS), test;
$(OBJS) : incl.h # main.obj and sub.obj depend on incl.h
main.obj : main.c # As well, main.obj depends on main.c
msc -AL main.c; # There is only one command sequence which
echo Done # may of course be several lines long.
sub.obj : sub.c # sub.obj depends on sub.c
msc -AL sub.c;
MAKE evaluates macros only when needed, and the order in which macros
appear in a description file is insignificant. Conventionally, all
definitions appear at the top of the description file. If the same
name is defined more than once, the most recent definition is used.
The precedence of definitions is:
1. command line definition (highest)
2. makefile definition
3. MAKE.INI definition
4. environment definition (lowest)
If make.ini has macros MODEL=S and CFLAGS=-A$(MODEL) -Od, but you do:
A> make MODEL=L
then when it comes time to use CFLAGS, MAKE will expand CFLAGS as
`-AL -Od'. This is because command line macros have the highest
precedence. For command line macros that include spaces, place the
macro value in double quotes "":
A> make CFLAGS="-Od -Zi"
The lowest precedence of macro is the environment definition. This
refers to the environment variables put into the DOS environment with
the `SET variable = value' DOS command. For example, you could refer
to the ${PATH} macro without defining it in make.ini or makefile. Its
value comes out of the DOS environment.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 6
MAKE will let you define a recursive macro:
macro1 = $(macro2) # macro1 = the value of macro2
macro2 = $(macro1) # macro2 = the value of macro1
but signals a `recursive macro' error if it tries to use it.
Predefined macros:
There are 4 "run-time" macros. These are:
$@ - stands for the full target name
$? - stands for the list of prerequisites that are newer than
the target.
$* - stands for the root of the target name. This is the part
after any path separators and before any extension.
$< - stands for the complete name of the file that satisfied
the default rule.
$< is only valid within default rules. $@, $? and $* can be used at
any time.
$(OBJS) : $*.c
Macros $< and $@ can be modified with a `D' or an `F'. `D' specifies
the directory part, and `F' the file part. So if $< evaluates to
..\make.c, ${<D} is ".." and ${<F} is "make.c". In conjunction with
`D' and `F', $@ tells you everything about the target being made (its
full name, the directory it's in, and its name), and $< tells you
everything about the file being used to make the target.
The macro `MFLAGS' gets filled in with the initial command line
options supplied to MAKE. This can be used to invoke MAKE on
makefiles in subdirectories and pass along the options. The macro
`CWD' gets filled in with the current working directory. The macro
`$$' evaluates to the dollar sign, $.
Macro `MAKE_TMP' has special meaning. MAKE_TMP is the name of the
directory MAKE will use for temporary files (response files, batch
files, and error files). If you wish, you can define MAKE_TMP in
terms of other macros or environment variables. eg:
A RAMdisk would be the best place for MAKE_TMP. If you're running DOS
2.x, MAKE_TMP can't have any backslashes (path separators) in it.
This is because COMMAND.COM is incapable of executing batch files (or
for that matter, any executable files) if the filename contains path
separators. DOS 3.x doesn't have this problem and there is no
restriction on MAKE_TMP.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 7
3) Default rules
MAKE can use default rules to specify commands for files for which the
makefile gives no explicit commands. A default rule tells MAKE how to
create a file with a particular extension from a file with the same
root name but another extension. Default rules take the form:
.from_extension.to_extension :
For example, to produce a `.obj' file from a `.c' file, the default
rule could be:
.c.obj :
msc ${CFLAGS} $<;
When MAKE finds a target with no commands, it looks for the first
possible name for which both a rule and a file exist. There may be
several ways to produce a `.obj' file (eg from a compiler or from
MASM), and the order in which rules are attempted is specified by the
`.SUFFIXES' list. This is a special target with a list of extensions.
For example:
.SUFFIXES: .exe .obj .c .asm .for
If MAKE was trying to make a TEST.OBJ file using a default rule, it
would first look for a `.c.obj' rule (since `.c' follows `.obj' in the
.SUFFIXES list). If found it would check for the file TEST.C. If the
file didn't exist, MAKE would look for a `.asm.obj' rule (and TEST.ASM
file), and finally a `.for.obj' rule (and TEST.FOR file).
Assuming MAKE.INI contained the .c.obj rule and .SUFFIXES as defined
above, our previous example could be written more succinctly as:
OBJS = main.obj sub.obj
test.exe : $(OBJS)
link $(OBJS), test;
$(OBJS) : incl.h
Because of the default rules, MAIN.OBJ and SUB.OBJ implicitly depend
on files MAIN.C and SUB.C, respectively, as well as explicitly
depending on INCL.H.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 8
4) "dot targets"
Besides the special target `.SUFFIXES' mentioned above, there are a
few other special targets that can be put in MAKE description files.
.IGNORE - Commands returning nonzero status (ie. the errorlevel) cause
MAKE to terminate unless the special target `.IGNORE' is in
makefile or the command begins with `-' (hyphen). The `-i'
option gives the same effect.
.NOIG - Normally, MAKE ignores the case of file names and macros.
This target tells MAKE to consider case important.
.PRECIOUS - Break (control-C) and command errors cause the target
being worked on to be deleted if it's been changed unless
it's a prerequisite of the target `.PRECIOUS'. For example:
.PRECIOUS: nerase.exe
.SILENT - Commands to be executed are printed when executed unless the
special entry `.SILENT' is in makefile, or the first
character of the command is `@'. Equivalent to the `-s'
option. For example:
all.exe : 1.obj 2.obj 3.obj
- link 1 2 3, tmp.exe; # ignore any errors
@ erase tmp.exe # don't echo this line
.SUFFIXES - As mentioned above, this gives the order in which to try
default rules. Suffixes accumulate, so if we have the same
.SUFFIXES as listed above in make.ini, and the makefile had:
.SUFFIXES : .obj .pas
the combined suffix list would look like: .obj .pas .exe
.obj .c .asm .for. A .SUFFIXES target with no suffixes
clears the list of suffixes. A common source of errors when
using default rules is getting the order of .SUFFIXES wrong.
The default rule looks like .from.to but the .SUFFIXES entry
looks like .to ... .from. Note the reversal in order!
Command prefixes -, @, !, >, >>
Commands may be prefixed with special characters. `@' before a
command means not to print the command before executing it, `-' means
ignore the exit status (a number testable by "if errorlevel ...") that
is returned from the command. Normally MAKE stops when a command
returns a non-zero error code. `!' indicates the command will be
executed in a loop. `>' and `>>' allow lines to be copied to a file.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 9
The loop prefix `!'
MAKE performs a loop over a command if the command is prefixed with
`!'. The command is executed once for each element of the macro $?,
and during execution the macro $? is set to that element. Example:
x: 1 2 3
! echo $?
If 2 and 3 are more recent than x, then $? will initially have the
value "2 3". The "echo $?" command will be executed twice, once with
$? equal to 2 and once with $? equal to 3. The commands would be:
echo 2
echo 3
Output to files `>' and `>>'
MAKE can write to files or devices by:
>filename line1, line2, line3 # or
>>filename line1, ...
Commas demark the lines of the file. For `>', the file is opened as a
new file (old contents are destroyed), for `>>' the file is opened in
append mode. For comma *not* to mean "make a new line", quote it with
a backslash (ie. \, will be a comma, not a new line).
"filename" can also be the name of a device. >con will cause output
to go to the console. >prn will cause the lines to show up on your
printer. There is a bug in DOS 2.x which often won't allow the
console to be opened for output. To compensate, MAKE understands
"stdout" and "stderr". Stdout and stderr both go to the screen, but
DOS can redirect stdout whereas stderr cannot be redirected.
The prefixes are used like this:
@ echo Testing 1, 2, 3 # command isn't printed
-! echo Hi there # ignore status and loop
@-!>> filename looping... # silent, ignore, loop, and output
`>' and`>>' must appear as the right-most prefixes (just before the
filename). This is to allow macros to be used to change where output
will go -- macro expansion happens after checking for `-', `@' and
`!'. You can do something like:
-$(out) Compiling ...
where "out" can be defined as ">stdout" for output to screen, ">prn"
for output to printer, or "echo" for echoing through COMMAND.COM.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 10
The VPATH macro specifies the directory names NDMAKE will use to
try to find files that don't have a path specification. Where is this
useful? One example is when you have a set of sources that are
conditionally compiled for different target machines or for different
memory modules. You want to keep only 1 set of sources, but want to
compile them a variety of ways. What you'd usually do is create
subdirectories for each different target machine and put a makefile in
each subdirectory with VPATH referring to the parent directory (.. in
MSDOS). Then when NDMAKE looked for the sources, it would look in the
parent directory. If VPATH isn't defined, only the current directory
is searched for files. A sample VPATH is:
VPATH = .;..
This means ".", the current directory, is the first to be
searched and "..", the parent directory, is to be searched next. A
semi-colon separates directory names. In UNIX make, a colon is used,
but for compatability with DOS PATH, in NDMAKE a semicolon is used.
When NDMAKE tries to find a file like "test.obj", it will look
first for ".\test.obj", then "..\test.obj". The first file found is
used. When NDMAKE is trying to find an implicit dependency, it
constructs a particular file (eg "test.c"), then tries each directory
in order to find the file.
As an example, assume VPATH is as above, "test.c" is in the
parent directory and your default rule for .c.obj is:
.c.obj:; cl -c $<
When you type "make" from this directory, you would get:
cl -c ..\test.c
So far so good. It turns out that Microsoft C is good about
putting the directory part of the file it's compiling on the include
path. If that were not the case, and test.c included any "local"
files (eg "header.h"), then the compile might fail because header.h is
not in the current directory -- it's in the parent directory with the
sources. For other compilers, you may want to use the new macro "<D"
which selects the directory component of <. Your default rule could
be written as:
.c.obj:; cl -c $< -I$(<D)
and the compilation would be:
cl -c ..\test.c -I.. # -I adds .. to the include path
There are a few other new macros: "<F", the file name component
of <; @D and @F, the directory and file components of @. If VPATH is
NDMAKE v4.3 page 11
not specified, <D will be "." and @D will be the directory component
of @ ("." if there is no directory component). Also, <F will be the
same as < and @F will be the file component of @.
Still with me? It gets worse! VPATH has to be a little trickier
than this. What if you have many machine-INdependent files, and only
a few machine-DEpendent files? You would like to keep the DEpendent
.obj files in the subdirectories and all sources and INdependent .obj
files in the parent directory. Now your makefile in each subdirectory
looks something like:
VPATH = .;..
OBJS = dep.obj main.obj indep.obj
ibmmono.exe: $(OBJS)
link $(OBJS), $@;
Main.obj and indep.obj are found in ".."; dep.obj is found here
in "."; all source files are found in ".." The compilation goes
smoothly, but when it comes time for the link, $(OBJS) expands to:
dep.obj main.obj indep.obj
which fails since several of the .objs are in "..". What we want is:
dep.obj ..\main.obj ..\indep.obj
Therefore, NDMAKE *translates* each command to include the actual
path to the file!! This could lead to confusion, but I think you'll
agree it's a powerful necessity. To prevent wierdness, macros @, @D,
@F, <, <D, <F, and * are never translated. Otherwise some of them
wouldn't be much use. So now the link proceeds with:
link dep.obj ..\main.obj ..\indep.obj, ibmmono.exe;
Punctuation may prevent NDMAKE from translating a name. If a
name should be translated but it isn't, try separating the name from
any punctuation with whitespace. For example, when using overlays
with Microsoft Link the object modules go in parenthesis -- NDMAKE
won't translate a name like (main.obj) but does fine on ( main.obj ).
| The demo version of NDMAKE, MAKE43D.EXE, only accepts 1 directory
| name for use in VPATH. This is to allow you to see what it can do but
| encourage you to register.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 12
Options (also known as flags) are entered on the command line with a
`-' or `/'. Options can be grouped together after a single `-', so
-dp is equivalent to -d -p.
-d Debug mode. Traces MAKE as it executes, printing the time
difference between each file and the target that has it as a
prerequisite. Also, automatically generated batch and
response files will not be deleted.
-h Prints a help screen.
-i Ignore errors. Equivalent to the special entry .IGNORE.
Causes a nonzero exit status to be ignored. Doing
`make -i > errs' collects all error messages into 1 file.
Interrupting `make -i' may require several control-Cs.
-k Keep going. When a command returns nonzero status, abandon
work on the current target, but continue on branches that do
not depend on the current target.
-n No execute. Display but do not execute the commands needed
to update the targets.
-p Print information on macros, dependencies, and *available*
default rules. A rule is available if it is defined in a
.from.to target and there are .to and .from extensions in
.SUFFIXES in the correct order (.to to the left of .from).
-q Query. Sets MAKE's exit status to 1 if there are things to
be made and 0 if there aren't.
-r Remove default rules. Actually clears .SUFFIXES after
MAKE.INI has been read. The effect of this is to prevent
MAKE from using default rules other than those in makefile.
-s Silent mode. Equivalent to the special entry .SILENT.
Commands are not displayed before being executed.
-t Touch, i.e. set the file time of the out of date targets to
the current time without executing any commands. This will
create target files of length zero if they do not exist.
MAKE `touches' files just like the included TOUCH.EXE
program. The small tutorial included later in this
documentation shows how to use this flag.
-u Unconditional make. All specified targets are made whether
they are out of date or not.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 13
DOS commands, batch files, redirection and error codes
Skip this section if you are running DOS 3.0 or higher.
MAKE depends on a program's exit status (a number testable with the
"if errorlevel ..." command in DOS) to determine whether or not an
error has occurred. An exit status of 0 means no error. In order for
MAKE to execute internal DOS commands (like copy, chdir, ...), run
batch files, or perform IO redirection (with >, >>, |, or <), MAKE
must start a second copy of COMMAND.COM and have that copy execute the
command. For DOS versions older than 3.0, COMMAND.COM *always*
reports an exit status of zero, implying no error has occurred. MAKE
compensates for this by using an error file to communicate the exit
status back to MAKE. The error file's name is put into the
environment so your batch files can refer to it as %MAKE_ERR%.
When MAKE needs to start up another copy of COMMAND.COM it builds a
batch file and has COMMAND.COM execute the file. If you interrupt the
batch file with CONTROL-BREAK you may get the prompt "Terminate BATCH
file ? (y/n)". Answer `y' and MAKE will know an error has occurred.
After MAKE gets control back from the batch file, it detects an error
by checking for the error file. If the file exists, an error has
occurred; if the file is absent, the batch file finished successfully.
If you use your own batch files from MAKE they have to be modified
slightly to send the exit status back to MAKE. This is because DOS
won't return to MAKE's batch file after your's has finished. The
following line, placed at the end of your batchfile, is needed:
if exist %MAKE_ERR% do erase %MAKE_ERR%
To get a little fancier, your batch file could look like:
if errorlevel 1 goto end
if errorlevel 1 goto end
if exist %MAKE_ERR% do erase %MAKE_ERR%
As you can see, the error file gets erased only if command1 and
command2 execute without error.
| The demo version of NDMAKE, MAKE43D.EXE, does not have this feature.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 14
Response files -- special handling of LINK and LIB
Some programs (notable LINK and LIB) can receive their input from a
file called a response file. Usually a response file is used when the
length of the command line becomes longer than DOS allows. In program
development, the LINK and LIB commands are used very often and MAKE
generates a response file automatically when required.
1) LINK response files
When a program name has the root name "LINK" and a command line longer
than DOS allows, MAKE generates a response file and has LINK use the
response file. Your command:
link $(OBJS), test.exe,, $(LIBS)
will work without modification no matter how long the line becomes.
2) LIB response files
Similar to a LINK response file, but slightly more complex to
compensate for LIB's syntax. MAKE takes the LIB command:
lib libname [/pagesize] operations ... [, listing] [, newlib]
and generates a response file with the most recent operation placed
between each object module. For example:
lib my.lib -+ main.obj sub1.obj sub2.obj + sub3.obj ;
lib @responsefile
where the response file has the contents:
-+ main.obj -+ sub1.obj -+ sub2.obj + sub3.obj ;
This is most useful when you want to update a library when some of its
modules have been recompiled. For example, if "my.lib" depends on
modules LIBOBJS then the following updates the library with only those
modules which have been changed since the library was last written:
my.lib: $(LIBOBJS)
lib my.lib -+ $? ; # $? expands to the prerequisites more recent
# than the target
When a library doesn't exist yet, MAKE will tell LIB to create it.
Note that the `>' prefix can be used to write response files for
commands other than LIB and LINK.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 15
UNIX features
As with UNIX `make', dependency lines and default rules can have a
command on the same line as the `colon' line, provided the command
follows a semicolon:
.c.obj:; msc $<;
test.exe: $(OBJS); link $(OBJS) , test;
@echo done
# are equivalent to
msc $<;
test.exe: $(OBJS)
link $(OBJS) , test;
@echo done
If a name appears on a line with a double colon, `::', then the
command sequence following that line is performed only if the name is
out of date with respect to the names to the right of the double
colon, and is not affected by other double colon lines on which that
name may appear. Consider the following makefile:
1:: 2; echo 2
1:: 3; echo 3
If 2 and 3 are more recent than 1, then "make -n 1" will result in:
echo 2
echo 3
If 1 is more recent than 3, but 2 is newer than 1 the response is:
echo 2
If 1 is more recent than both 2 and 3, the response will be:
Make: `1' is up to date.
MAKE supports multiple commands on a single line if the command is
enclosed in parentheses () and the commands are separated by semi-
colons (use \; if you need a semi-colon to *not* be interpreted as a
command separator). In fact, since each command line is executed in
its own shell, this is the only way to use DOS commands like "set" and
"chdir" so that they have any effect. For example, doing "make x"
where the makefile looks like:
chdir \tmp
copy *.* a:
will copy the contents of the *current* directory, not \tmp, to drive
A. This is because MAKE starts each command in the current directory.
The correct way to write this is:
(chdir \tmp; copy *.* a:)
NDMAKE v4.3 page 16
A batch file is always used to execute commands surrounded by (), even
if there's only one command. Thus, you can force MAKE to use
COMMAND.COM for any command by putting the command in parentheses.
One very interesting use of the () syntax is to create macros that
expand to multiple-line commands!
Additional notes and technical information
Lines in a MAKE description file that are too long to fit on one line
can be extended to the next line by putting backslash, `\', followed
be <RETURN> as the last two characters of the line. If you need a `\'
as the last character, put a space or comment character somewhere
after it on that line. The longest single line MAKE can handle is 512
bytes, but by using `\' to break up the line into shorter pieces,
there is no limit to line length (except available memory).
By default, case is unimportant, so `test.obj' and `TEST.OBJ' are the
same. If .NOIG is present these will no longer by the same.
Everything on a line after the comment character, `#', is ignored.
The character separating targets and dependents, `:', is also the
character used for the drive separator in MSDOS. To distinguish this
colon from the drive separator, it must be followed by space or tab
(eg: ), semicolon (eg:;), colon (eg::), or nothing (eg:<return>). If
you consistently use at least one space you will have no problem.
If you type in a makefile from the keyboard (by using the command
`make -f -'), put a ^Z (control-Z) followed by a <RETURN> as the last
two characters. This tells MAKE to stop reading from the keyboard.
Targets defined in makefile take precedence over targets of the same
name defined in MAKE.INI. Targets defined in MAKE.INI can never be
default targets. "dot targets" can never be default targets.
MAKE is stupid -- after the commands to update a target have been
executed without error, MAKE assumes the target is up to date. If you
give commands that don't really update a target, MAKE doesn't know.
When MAKE executes commands, such as `link', it checks if it's a DOS
internal command, if it's a batch file, or if it involves IO
redirection. If so, MAKE loads a second copy of COMMAND.COM and
passes it the command line. Otherwise, MAKE tries to execute the
command as a program (a .exe or .com file). This is done to prevent
loading COMMAND.COM unless absolutely necessary. Also, MAKE uses
environment variable "COMSPEC" to find COMMAND.COM so you can copy
COMMAND.COM to your RAMdisk and set COMSPEC to point to that copy.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 17
Sample session - what MAKE does when it's running
Assume you have the following MAKE.INI file and MAKEFILE.
.SUFFIXES : .exe .obj .c .for .asm
M = S
.c.obj:; cl ${CFLAGS} -c $<
.obj.exe:; link $<, $@;
cl ${CFLAGS} -c $<
link $*.obj, $@;
erase $*.obj
OBJS = main.obj sub.obj
test.exe: $(OBJS)
link $(OBJS), $@,, \lib\local;
$(OBJS): incl.h
sub.obj: sub.c
cl $(CFLAGS) -Od -c sub.c
install: test.exe
copy test.exe $(BIN) # BIN comes from the environment
Assume the following files are in your directory: MAIN.C, SUB.C,
INCL.H. When you type:
A> make
MAKE first reads MAKE.INI then MAKEFILE. It sees the first target
TEST.EXE and tries to make it. But first, MAKE must know if the files
that TEST.EXE depends on are up to date. As TEST.EXE depends on
several `.obj' files, and these `.obj' files also have dependents, the
detailed procedure MAKE undergoes looks like this:
NDMAKE v4.3 page 18
- there are explicit commands for making TEST.EXE so don't
bother looking for implicit prerequisites.
- TEST.EXE depends on MAIN.OBJ and SUB.OBJ. Make these.
- Since there are no explicit commands for MAIN.OBJ, check
for implicit prerequisites based on default rules.
- Find rule `.c.obj' and file `main.c'.
- Add MAIN.C to the prerequisites of MAIN.OBJ.
- MAIN.OBJ depends on INCL.H and MAIN.C. Make these.
- Make INCL.H
- Since there are no explicit commands for making
INCL.H, check for implicit prerequisites.
- Since there is no `.h' suffix in .SUFFIXES, there are
no implicit prerequisites.
- There are no prerequisites, so INCL.H is up to date.
- Make MAIN.C
- Since there are no explicit commands for making
MAIN.C, check for implicit prerequisites.
- Since there are no `.from_extension.c' rules, there
are no implicit prerequisites.
- There are no prerequisites, so MAIN.C is up to date.
- Compare MAIN.OBJ with INCL.H and MAIN.C. Since MAIN.OBJ
doesn't exist, it is out of date with respect to its
prerequisites, so execute the (default) command:
cl -AS -c main.c
- MAIN.OBJ is up to date.
- Make SUB.OBJ
- There are explicit commands for making SUB.OBJ so don't
bother looking for implicit prerequisites.
- SUB.OBJ depends on INCL.H and SUB.C. Make these.
- Make INCL.H
- MAKE already knows that INCL.H is up to date.
- Make SUB.C
- Since there are no explicit commands to make SUB.C,
check for implicit prerequisites.
- Since there are no `.from_extension.c' rules, there
are no implicit prerequisites.
- There are no prerequisites, so SUB.C is up to date.
- Compare SUB.OBJ with INCL.H and SUB.C. Since SUB.OBJ
doesn't exist, it is out of date with respect to its
prerequisites, so execute the (explicit) command:
cl -AS -Od -c sub.c
- SUB.OBJ is up to date.
- Compare TEST.EXE with MAIN.OBJ and SUB.OBJ. Since TEST.EXE
doesn't exist, execute the command:
link main.obj sub.obj, test.exe,,\lib\local;
- TEST.EXE is up to date.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 19
Assuming no errors occurred, when you now type `make' you will get the
message that TEST.EXE is up to date. If you edit SUB.C and change it,
when you next type `make', MAKE will see that SUB.C is more recent
than SUB.OBJ and recompile SUB.C. MAKE will then see that SUB.OBJ is
more recent than TEST.EXE and relink the files.
If you type `make install', MAKE will ensure TEST.EXE is up to date,
then copy it to your BIN directory. BIN was assumed to be defined in
your environment.
Use of flags -t, -i, -n, -d, and -p
Now assume you edit INCL.H and make changes that only affect SUB.C
(for example, you change the value of a #define but you don't have to
edit SUB.C). If you were now to type `make', MAKE would compile both
SUB.C and MAIN.C. To have MAKE only recompile SUB.C you do three
things. First, `make -t' to touch (update) all files. You will see
that MAKE touches MAIN.OBJ and SUB.OBJ, then TEST.EXE. Now, `touch
sub.c'. This results in SUB.C being newer than SUB.OBJ. Finally,
`make' again. Now MAKE will compile only SUB.OBJ, then link the
The process of editing a common include file to change something that
only affects one file occurs often enough that the `make -t' + `touch'
+ `make' procedure can save a lot of time.
If you are changing an include file and also changing some of the `.c'
files, then usually you edit the include file, do `make -t', edit the
`.c' files, then do `make'.
The `i' flag is useful for collecting all errors into a single file
without stopping MAKE. This is helpful when you're porting software
and expect a lot of errors or when you make global changes that may
produce a lot of errors (for example, changing a structure definition
in an include file or changing from small to large code models).
The `n' flag is used when you just want to see what MAKE will be
doing. This is useful if you've changed several modules, but forget
which ones. `make -n' shows which ones will be compiled.
`d' and `p' are usually used in debugging. If your MAKE doesn't seem
to be doing what you think it should, use `d' to watch it compare each
file with its prerequisites. The time listed is relative to the
target. A time that begins with - means the prerequisite is older
than the target; + means the prerequisite is newer.
Usually `d' is used in conjunction with `n' and sometimes with `p'.
`p' prints the values of MAKE's macros, targets, and default rules.
The `p' flag causes MAKE to list only those rules that are reachable.
If a rule you defined isn't listed and you think it should be, chances
are you forgot to update .SUFFIXES.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 20
Using MAKE without a makefile
MAKE can be used in a limited fashion without having a makefile
because it always reads MAKE.INI. Assume you have a file called
XYZZY.C and using the same MAKE.INI file described above, you type:
A> make xyzzy.exe
MAKE uses its default rule `.exe.c' to compile XYZZY.C ($<), link
XYZZY.OBJ ($*.obj) to form XYZZY.EXE ($@), then erases XYZZY.OBJ. If
several `.exe' files exist in a directory and you have just finished
editing some of their `.c' files, you could type:
A> make *.exe
and update only the `.exe' files that are out of date. By adding more
default rules to MAKE.INI, MAKE could invoke the FORTRAN compiler for
`.for' files or MASM for `.asm' files. In this way, MAKE can do the
right thing for each type of file.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 21
Changes since version 3.0
- The addition of LIB response files and of VPATH.
- MAKE's ability to get back error codes for DOS internal commands and
batch files.
- Multiple commands on a single line. This allows macros which expand
into multiple line commands and also because:
- Make always starts each separate command in the current directory
with a separate shell. This means "chdir" and "set" have to be used
inside of multiple commands for them to have *any* effect.
- Touch (the -t flag) was made to act exactly like the UNIX version.
Previously it did not create a file if it did not exist.
- Space can be used instead of tab before command lines. This is
compensation for some editors which do not do tabs.
- MAKE_TMP was added for fast batch execution.
- The prefix `+' (to tell MAKE to start up COMMAND.COM) was removed.
For the same purposes, use parenthesis instead. Since MAKE keeps an
internal table of DOS commands the use of `+' for speed is no longer
- Addition of -q (query flag).
- Addition of D and F modifiers for macros @, and <.
Changes since version 4.0
- Addition of:
`>' and `!' prefixes for output to files and looping.
-u flag for unconditional make.
.NOIG to make macros and filenames case sensitive.
- Bugfixes:
VPATH was finding nonexisting files.
Invalid complaining by VPATH for directories on another disk.
/ was used in filenames on calls to LINK when switchar was -.
(LINK has / hardcoded for switches).
Incorrect parsing of LIB commands caused MAKE to write garbage
for the list file.
No MAKE_TMP causing problems with batch files under DOS 2.0
- Others:
No batch file is used if ignoring errors when execking COMSPEC.
Use findfirst rather than open to check for files and get their
times. This is much faster on networks.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 22
Future directions for NDMAKE
With the addition of VPATH, NDMAKE has taken a great step forward
from other PC version of MAKE. No doubt there will be bugs in the
current implementation. I anticipate adding much faster directory
lookup when VPATH is in effect. I may add a true batch mode (as
opposed to "make -n" which doesn't generate response files). As well,
an automatic dependency generator is in the works. System V UNIX just
got an updated version of make and I will be bringing the most useful
features to NDMAKE. I'm currently testing a method to reduce the
amount of memory NDMAKE uses from 42000 to about 2000(!) bytes. This
will be useful for recursive makes and where memory is short.
I'm still considering adding archive support (especially ARC),
but haven't decided how to do it quite yet.
As always, I will entertain any suggestions from registered
NDMAKE v4.3 page 23
If you like and use this program, I ask you to consider
registering it. The benefits of registration include the first update
free. Registered owners will get a response to any questions they may
have. Also, if you're registered I will consider any suggestions you
may have. I want NDMAKE to be the best MSDOS make available.
The registration fee is $35. To date, about 50 people have
registered, so please consider registering your copy. Commercial use
of this program requires registration. If you use NDMAKE in your
work, you are required to register it. Many thanks to those of you
who have registered.
Regardless of whether you register or not, you may freely copy
and distribute this program for noncommercial purposes. The programs,
MAKE.EXE and TOUCH.EXE, the documentation, MAKE.DOC and TOUCH.DOC,
and the initialization file, MAKE.INI, must all be distributed together.
If you post this program to a public bulletin board, please put all the
files in an ARChive called NDMAKE43.ARC.
I hope you enjoy NDMAKE and find it a useful addition to your
programming tools. If you have any questions you can reach me at:
US MAIL: D. G. Kneller
1468 8th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94122
PHONE: (415) 476-8291 (days) 731-3108 (home)
UUCP: ...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!kneller
ARPANET: kneller@cgl.ucsf.edu
BITNET: kneller@ucsfcgl.BITNET
UNIX is a registered trademark of Bell Laboratories.
MSDOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
NDMAKE v4.3 page 24
Registration form for NDMAKE v4.3
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________
Country: _________________________________________________
OPTIONAL: System description (computer, memory, DOS version)
COMMENTS: Please feel free to add your thoughts or suggestions!
Mail to:
D. G. Kneller
1468 8th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94122